Hypnotherapy has been shown in clinical trials to be effective in managing the Symptoms of IBS.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a very common gastrointestinal disorder . The symptoms come from the colon and are typified by vomiting, Nausea , Diarrhoea, and Abdominal Pain and Bloating to name but a few. The symptoms can be intermittent or continuous.

In Hypnotherapy the use of Metaphor is very powerful . The use of metaphor which your unconscious mind is particularly receptive to can be helpful for IBS. For example, comparing your gut to the current of a river with a client controlling the flow to suit their needs. In certain instances with clients, I may ask that you place a hand over your abdomen and feel the warmth of your body, and get you to connect this feeling of control over your digestive function. 

In a study by Manchester University it was found that in two groups one receiving Hypnotherapy and one talking therapy and medication the Hypnotherapy Group should substantial improvement in Symptoms over 12 weeks, with some people experiencing complete disappearance of all symptoms with no recurrence.

It is vitally important that you seek practitioners who are experienced Hypnotherapy practitioners in the area that your problem is focussed on, and although clients often ask how many appointments they will require, no hypnotherapist should ever really be able to tell you how many appointments a problem will take to fix as everyone’s problem is unique.

I hope that you have found this article useful, that you are able to have found the information within it beneficial and that it informs you going forward if you are potentially looking at choosing hypnotherapy for your irritable bowel problem.

Below is a link to the national council of Hypnotherapy Website which explains more on this and also to an article that I wrote for the Hypnotherapy Directory on it .

Hypnotherapy for IBS – National Council for Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome – Hypnotherapy Directory

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) – NHS

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