EFT Emotional Freedom Technique is a simple technique that can bring about fantastic results quickly. Have you ever sat in a dentist waiting room or a doctor’s surgery and noticed the person opposite you gently rubbing their hand or tapping their chin , maybe they are practicing Emotional Freedom Technique. It is based on the thought that a lot of problems stems from a disruption in our bodies energy flow and that by applying pressure through tapping to certain points ( meridian’s) we can unblock it and overcome the issue.
It is very easy to learn and also employs the use of Eye Movement and employs different Hemispheres of the brain. I find that positive results can be obtained quickly and it is often handy if there is not a lot of time to do things ( eg a person has a flight to catch the week after the appointment) who has a flying phobia.
The mind and body are connected so it is a useful therapy for emotional and Physical symptoms , and clients are encouraged to focus on how they feel emotionally about the problem whilst tapping. I give all clients who I show Emotional Freedom Technique to a diagram so they know where to be tapping and it is really quite simple, maybe Emotional Freedom Technique could be just what you are looking for. If you have had a long term phobia or anxiety issue then get in touch. It also compliments Hypnotherapy very well .