
Tinnitus is a condition that affects many people in Britain today and it is believed that up to 30% of the population will be affected at some point by it. If you are concerned that you have Tinnitus but are not totally sure, it is generally characterised by hearing a sound in the absence of any external sound.

I will briefly describe how hypnosis can lead to positive results in terms of managing symptoms but also bolstering the resilience needed in enduring a problem like Tinnitus.The hypnotherapist you seek out may use what is called an Eriksonian approach in that they use metaphor and symbolism whilst you are in a trance-like state and trust your subconscious to make the connection.  This is derived from the name of a famous American Psychotherapist called Milton Erickson. For example, in the case of Tinnitus, they might describe to you the scene of being on a large passenger ship setting sail on a journey out to sea and your Tinnitus is all the noise and chatter at the Quayside. They might get you to picture yourself distancing from the noise like the boat as it departs from its moorings out to the open water. They might offer a suggestion of you listening to a radio in a quiet space somewhere and you can turn the volume down on the dial when that familiar noise starts up.

n my hypnotherapy practice, I often use what they call a Post-Hypnotic Suggestion in that I will give the client a cue in real life to use if the problem arises. For example, when you hear that familiar ring just momentarily close your eyes and hear the volume going down. 

The hypnotherapist you see may also whilst in trance suggest to you things that can happen throughout our day that we are not consciously aware of but we know happens, such as changes in our breathing or even the grass growing outside our door. This is to cause a feeling of dissociation with the problem so that you are less consciously aware of it as, often, the more we focus on something the worse it becomes as we ruminate on it. 

In clinical research of how hypnotherapy can be applied to treating Tinnitus, it has been found to be a benign intervention with no side effects from the treatment. In a comparison study with counselling, it was found that there was a significant difference in those who underwent hypnotherapy.

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